KatHouse Productions

Some of the videos I have produced

Music Video
Witness Protection Program

Raquel (1993)
When the Lightning Strikes

Aaron Greer 2005
Prior to Aaron Greer Band
Open the Eyes
Trading my Sorrows

A Greer (1995)
New Today
Computer Animation

Sample from Double disc DVD / CD project
produced for The WPP. >
Rise Again

Promo Video

Deuce Promo2 HIGH Quality (8.1 MB)
(300 kbs-Cable Modem, DSL or 56k download.)
Deuce Promo2 LOW Bandwidth
(893 KB !!!) (33 kbs-For 56k and lower!)
Industrial Video

Dish Removal
Time Lapse


Copyright 2002 - 2017 KatHouse Productions